Thursday, January 14, 2010

Obama, Haiti, and Rush Limbaugh.

I'm glad my government has a clue--when the terrible earthquake hit Haiti killing thousands and doing great damage, I thought back to Katrina--and how it took our president--Bush that is--to figure out anything was wrong. I thought about 9/11 and how Bush continued to speak to school children.

A terrorist is on a plane that took off from somewhere else and, yes, our intelligence let us down. Again. Just as it did in Iraq with Bush and parts of Africa under Bush and even in Katrina under Bush. Unlike Bush, Obama was able to take the blame--even though the man boarded a plane outside of our country and went through a number of security checks outside of our country.

Rush Limbaugh--you're an idiot.

Pat Robertson--you're an idiot.

Obama's response was not for the African-American, it was for all of us who have pride in how our nation can react quickly and smoothly to make this world a better place.

Obama, I'm proud of you.

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