Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Bias of Fox Morning News--February 28, 2112

I had an appointment this morning and was forced to watch—with about a half dozen others—Fox News (owned by the Murdoch’s—now on trial for crimes in England for another newspaper they ran). I only watched about one half hours worth and since this is the first time I really watched Fox News, I can show you how biased it is:

The first report was on the increase in gasoline at the pumps. Who do you think the commentator was who presented their tale of woe? Yep, a member of the Republican Tea Party. He went on and on about how everything was Obama’s fought. I waited patiently for a counterpoint. Nope, you guessed it—it did not happen.

Then they did the primary—and bashed the Obama Administration again. Was someone from the Obama Administration allowed to give another side to the story? Of course, not.

Another segment had two Southern governors complaining about how the Obama Administration has destroyed their state with his policies. For the Governor of Louisiana, I think we can go back to your own party on that one—or do you no longer remember Katrina and have you already forgotten how quickly the great oil spill was cleaned up under the jurisdiction of the current president?

I’ve saved the best for last. When they came to the health insurance program, the main speaker was the District Attorney from Florida who went on and on about how the health care plan was wrong and there was nothing right about it at all. There was no counter debate, no one for the health care plan, and then the clincher—the interviewer asked her who she was endorsing for the Republican Party Presidency candidate and she gave Romney a four minute free commercial that began, “As you know, I was one of the moderator’s during the debates here on Fox News…” I hope all of the other Republican candidates sue for equal time.

I guess money can buy anything—even a biased news cast so biased I don’t believe you can call it news.

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