Wednesday, April 18, 2012

An actual letter from Rick Santorum

Here is another reason to vote for Obama--sanity in government. The below letter does not show any sanity at all.

An actual letter from Rick Santorum:

Dear fellow conservative,

Please rush me your signed reply just as soon as you've finished reading my letter.

Conservatives from across the heartland of America are rallying to this fight. This surge in support is how I've been able to score victories in Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota, Colorado, Tennessee, Oldahoma, North Dakota, Kansas, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana.

That's ll states so far -- the most won by a challenger to the Republican "establishment" since Ronald Reagan.

I'm in striking distance of winning this nomination fight.

I'm counting on your immediate help to take advantage of this opportunity. There It still time for conservatives if we act now to win this primary to make sure our party doesn i' nominate a Massachusetts Moderate to run against Obama.

It truly frightens me to think what'll happen if Mitt Romney is the nominee.

My friend, Republicans and conservatives will be crippled by a nominee who presents zero contrast with Barack Obama on the major issues of this election. Any attempt by Mitt Rorrmey to attack President Obama's positions on health-care,
energy policy, social issues, or the economy will be easily neutralized.

You and I simply cannot afford to give away issues like Obama-care.

The 2012 election hinges on offering voters a clear contrast with the disastrous

Paid for by Rick Santorum for President

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