Friday, March 8, 2013

Paul Ryan and How He Subverts Our Nation

Below are two emails I received about Paul Ryan. Make up your own mind, but I know you know my mind is already made up:

BREAKING Washington Post: Paul Ryan will propose “sharp new cuts to federal health and retirement programs”

Paul Ryan’s new budget proposal hands tax breaks to the Republicans’ largest corporate backers and billionaire CEO funders, and makes crippling cuts to Medicare to pay for it.

John Boehner, Eric Cantor, and Paul Ryan would rather protect tax loopholes so their oil-tycoon financiers can buy yachts and private jets than provide health care for the elderly.

Denounce Paul Ryan’s appalling budget immediately! Demand Republicans stop handing tax breaks to their billionaire financiers while the elderly suffer the consequences.

House Republicans will do anything to buy loyalty from the largest corporations and moneyed special interests. They’re even willing to throw seniors and the middle class under the bus so that their billionaire financiers can enjoy tax breaks.

Thanks for your support,

Guy Cecil

Paul Ryan, in an effort to downplay the severity of the House budget he’ll be presenting next week, says not to "expect any big surprises." What a relief -- no big surprises?!?

Actually, word is we can expect a few big surprises in Ryan's budget.

Reports say that Paul Ryan will call for ending Medicare as we know it for America’s seniors.

According to sources, Ryan’s budget includes a plan to VOUCHERIZE Medicare for seniors younger than 55.

Finally, Ryan wants to squeeze 30 years of vicious cuts into only a decade. That would be brutal.

Ryan’s Tea Party budget would do more than “surprise” the millions of Americans who are counting on Medicare. We can’t let that happen.

Help us reach 200,000 strong calling out Paul Ryan and House Republicans:


Kelly Ward
DCCC Executive Director

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