Saturday, March 6, 2010

Are the Obama Policies Working?

Friday the stock market went over 10,500--one week before the the one-year anniversary of the movement that took the market from a decade low because of major concerns about the economy.

Obama was president when the decade--really twelve year--low was reached--and he's president now as the stock market continues to rise.

Further good news: Unemployment is no longer at or above 10%, consumers are beginning to spend again, auto loans are up, 48,000 new temporary jobs opened up (and that's for only one month), and the average hourly salary rate increased by three cents.

Tea Party Members and Republicans--Obama's plan is working--so get off your bandwagons and help with the creation of an economy that--as Reagan used to say--will and can stay the course. Remember Reagan--your hero--refused to back down or change any of his economic programs and he got out of a recession--not a depression/recession the Bush Administration pushed us into.

It's interesting that I can even mention Reagan and Obama in the same blog--but their drive, conviction and willingness not to back down even in the light of protest and serious animosity is what won--and will win--the day.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Bob Boldt said...

    I hope this will not just be a conversation between Michael Brownstein and Bob Boldt.
    As anyone who has followed my comments over the past year knows, I am no fan of Obama. Michael, your comments should not just address the bogus arguments of the Tea Baggers and the Repugs but the growing number of Liberals & Progressives who no longer support Obama and his wars.
    On the issue of Public Education, check out Friday's Democracy Now! and Amy Goodman's interview with leading education scholar and former Assistant Secretary of Education Diane Ravitch. You should do a review.
