Monday, March 1, 2010

Joe Lieberman and Obama

This is why I continue to support President Obama:

Joe Lieberman supported the Republicans in the last election and even though this should cause problems, President Obama has steadily worked with the senator.

Here are a few examples:

to sponsor the bill to repeal the anti-Gay don't tell and don't ask rule

to help round up votes for the stimulus bill

to help round up votes for energy legislation

to assist the Administration with most of its controversial nominees

and to allow Lieberman to speak--including his credit to the President for creating a more realistic foreign policy

Why is the above a good thing? It shows leadership that can bury a hatchet and move forward for the betterment of our nation--not a hostile individual who holds a grudge. And that's what our nation needs right now--a president of vision who can work with those who support him and those who do not, those who oppose him and those who do not, and those who want to help the nation become a stronger place--the very vision of a great man who can agree to disagree and still work together to build a greater America.

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