Saturday, December 26, 2009

Health Reform Plans--Bush and Obama

In 2003, the Republicans passed a very expensive deficit making health plan--and now--because they are hypocrites (one of the Republican senators actually used that word to describe the Republicans who voted for the bill) they cannot support the Obama Administration health plan--which is cheaper.

Here is the quote from the article:

"Sen. George Voinovich, R-Ohio, said those who see hypocrisy "can legitimately raise that issue." But he defended his positions in 2003 and now, saying the economy is in worse shape and Americans are more anxious."

And another quote: "Six years ago, "it was standard practice not to pay for things," said Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah. "We were concerned about it, because it certainly added to the deficit, no question." His 2003 vote has been vindicated, Hatch said, because the prescription drug benefit "has done a lot of good."" (Emphasis mine.)

So when it's Republican backed--even when it raises the deficit--it's OK.

Read the article here.

Health care reform under Obama will only make the provisions in the already passed Republican bill better and stronger.

And to quote one other senator: "Sen. Olympia Snowe, R-Maine, said simply: "Dredging up history is not the way to move forward."

Yes, it is. When a nation refuses to listen to history, it continues to repeat it over and over and over. History teaches us lessons. Sen. Snowe, pay attention.

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