Friday, May 20, 2011

Donald Trump--the Chicken who Squacks Too Much

It's easy to go after others when you yourself can hide behind money that probably doesn't exist in the large sums Trump claims. Now he is dropping from the Republican race.

What do I have to say about this? One word: Trump is a chicken who squacks too much.

OK, eight words.

Obama and Isreal

I'm Jewish. That said--hip hip hooray. Someone was finally strong enough and courageous enough to say what needed to be said. Isreal must bend.

Our nation is based on war, discomfort for the people who live there, and imperilism. Isreals history is not because they were granted the initial lands they occupy today--but they own other lands because of war and the discomfort of the native people many of whom now live in large camps--camps that forment much of the anti=Isreral furror.

What the president said is badly needed. Isreal refuses to stop settlers from building in the territories, Isreal has an armed force in the occupied territories, and Isreal--rightfully or wrongfully--refuses to even begin to bend.

Someone must make the move of diplomacy, of thinking outside of the box, of bringing the region together.

I applaud the president for having the guts to say what needs to be said.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Obama Birth Certificate

"The President believed the distraction over his birth certificate wasn't good for the country. It may have been good politics and good T.V., but it was bad for the American people and distracting from the many challenges we face as a country," explained the White House Communications Director, Dan Pfeiffer, in a prepared statement.

See the document here.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Why The Republicans are Dangerous from the Wall Street Journal and Alan Blinder

This is from the conservative Wall Street Journal, Tuesday, April 19th, "Paul Ryan's Reverse Robin Hood Budget," by Alan S. Blinder:

To paraphrase, he simply states that the new Republican budget from the House is the worst of all of them--helping the rich get richer, of course, and forcing the middle class and poor to get poorer.

Then he states: "...House Republicans want to repeal every cost containment measure enacted in last year's health reform legislation."

His concluding paragraph: "No, the House Republican plan is not the only game in town. It's only the worst."

Enough said.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The New Budget

This is why I support our president:

He can add and subtract.

The Republicansd made a big deal about removing forty billion dollars from the budget, but when the dust cleared and the military money was added into the equation--because Republicans are lovers of war and war contracts to keep the rich richer--the actual amount removed: about 340 million.

They want to cut the education budget and head start so our next generation won't know how poor they are in math.

Friday, April 8, 2011


So we allowed the country to change because of racism--racism plain and simple. The president is stopped and blocked at every pass, yes, due to racists who came out and gave the government away--now look at us.

Fifty some years ago the Kerner Report wrote that our nation was dividing along race and class lines and it would be our downfall.

A prediction that is now coming true: a potential government shutdown, the demise of Planned Parenthood (which does very little in the field of abortion, but lots and lots in the field of helping women), the end of Medicaid and Medicare, etc. etc. etc.

If our nation could stop acting on the race card, stop being racists, give opportunities to everyone--including the present President--who knows what we can accomplish. But, no, we have to vote on the racist agenda and now--

the Kerner Report and I say look where were going now. No better for us!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Unemployment Drops

Unemployment is now at 8.8%.

Imagine how much more this president could accomplish if the Republicans and the Tea Partiers and the racists and the conservatives would begin to cooperate with him.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

93.0 The Eagle--Poisoning Our Minds With Neal Boortz

Neal Boortz, AKA: The Talkmaster, Mighty Whitey, and The High Priest of The Church of the Painful Truth of The Eagle 93.9 The News and Talk of Columbia, Missouri, should think before he speaks.

Some painful truth: Friday night, March 4th, he claimed the Department Of Education's budget doubled in the last ten years. And then he put all of the blame on Presient Obama. He said, "The budgt for the Department of Education has doubled in the last ten years and President Obama is the problem."

Mr. Boortz, please do the math: President Obama has only been in office for two of those ten years--President Bush was in that office for eight of them. It was his No Child Left Behind Program--that I can personally vouch for waste and supid spendng (yes, I said stupid spending) that caused the problem.

President Obama wants to bring major reform to this program--so why can't we give him a shot at it?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Why Former President Bush Cancelled his Trip to Europe

Click on the link here.

And here.

And here.

This is not a problem for President Obama--because he is actually loved and admired throughout the world.


When President Obama put together his bailout, all of the money was presented on a website for everyone to see. When former President Bush offered the bank to the rich and corporate, this same transparency was not available.

Due to the work of the Senator of Vermont, Bernie Sanders, we now know how the Bush administration spent the money.

From the official Congressional transcript:

"[W}hat we now know is the extent of the bailout for the large financial corporations. Goldman Sachs received nearly $600 billion. Morgan Stanley received nearly $2 trillion. Citigroup received $1.8 trillion. Bear Stearns received nearly $1 trillion. And Merrill Lynch received some $1.5 trillion in short-term loans from the Fed.

"But I think what is most surprising for the American people is not just the bailout of Wall Street and the financial institutions, and the bailout of large American corporations such as General Electric, but I think the American people would find it very strange that at a time when the American automobile sector was on the verge of collapse--and goodness only knows how many thousands and thousands of jobs we have lost in automobile manufacturing in this country--the Federal Reserve was also bailing out Toyota and Mitsubishi, two Japanese carmakers, by purchasing nearly $5 billion worth of their commercial paper from November 5, 2008, through January 30, 2009.

"While virtually no American-made cars or products of any kind are bought in Japan, I think the American people would be shocked to learn that the Fed extended over $380 billion to the Central Bank of Japan to bail out banks in that country.

"Furthermore, I think the American people are interested to know that the Fed bailed out the Korea Development Bank, the wholly owned, state-owned Bank of South Korea, by purchasing over $2 billion of its commercial paper. The sole purpose of the Korea Development Bank is to finance and manage major industrial projects to enhance the national economy not of the United States of America but of South Korea. I am not against South Korea. I wish the South Koreans all the luck in the world. But it should not be the taxpayers of the United States lending their banks' money to create jobs in South Korea. I would suggest maybe we want to create jobs in the United States of America. At the same time, the Fed also extended over $40 billion for the Central Bank of South Korea so that it had enough money to bail out its own banks.

"At a time when small businesses in Vermont and all over this country cannot get the loans they need to expand their businesses, I think the American people would find it extremely--I don't know what the word is--maybe amusing that the Fed bailed out the state-owned Bank of Bavaria--not Pennsylvania, not California, but Bavaria--by purchasing over $2.2 billion of its commercial paper.

"Furthermore, when we cannot get support on the floor of this Senate to extend unemployment benefits to millions of Americans who are on the verge of seeing them expire, I think the American people would find it incomprehensible that the Fed chose to bail out the Arab Banking Corporation based in Bahrain by providing them with over $23 billion in loans with an interest rate as low as one-quarter of 1 percent. So small businessmen all over America: Maybe you have to run to Bahrain and work with the Arab Banking Corporation there to get some pretty good loans. But it would be nice if maybe the Fed would start to pay attention to banks in this country.

"Furthermore, the Fed extended over $9.6 billion to the Central Bank of Mexico.

"What is interesting about all of this is that we had a very vigorous debate here in the Senate and in the House over the $700 billion TARP program. Every person in America could turn on C-SPAN and hear that debate. They could hear what President Bush had to say, hear what then-Senator Obama and Senator McCain had to say. It was all pretty public. But what took place at the Fed, which, in fact, amounted to a larger bailout, was done behind closed doors. Over $3 trillion was lent with zero transparency."

Note the last paragraph--Senator Obama--so this happened during the time of one of the worst Presidents ever, George Bush.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

McCain Praises the President

"McCain, the Arizona senator and the Republican nominee for president in 2008, wrote an opinion piece in The Washington Post praising Obama's remarks at a Jan. 12 memorial observance in Tucson for victims of the Jan. 8 attack that left six people dead and 13 injured."--AP

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Obama and the Economy

Saturday's Wall Street Journal had the following article headline:

"Economy Picks Up Steam, Output Returns to '07 Level"

Sara Murray wrote that the economy has returned to the pre-recession levels of 2007 because "of strong consumer support and exports." Our gross national product grew by 3.2%.

Now my turn:

I guess the president's economic plans are working. Give it some more time.

Enough said.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Tea Party Communists and Other Liars

These are actual commments from the St. Louis Post about a lawsuit against an energy company that may be violating the clean air act:

Woody Pfister said on: January 13, 2011, 12:37 pm

Sierra Club and Missouri Coaltion for the Envirionment: Red diaper doper babies with big bucks from charitable trusts who don't care if the people can't afford to light or heat their homes. Next will be MSD and a big sewer hike!

My answer:


Presently, our main trading partner is China--a communist government. I guess since you are anti-communist by your tirade against reds, you never purchase any items from China because if you do, you are supporting a communist regime with your money and money support is always a sign of alliance.

7d7 said on: January 13, 2011, 8:47 am

Obama promised higher electric rates, and his appointees at the EPA appear to be working very hard to deliver on that promise.

My response:


Where do Americans find these things--or should I say lies?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Why Do Gas Prices Increase--Check Out The Republicans in Charge

As I was paying for my gas yesterday in a medium small town in central Missouri, the cashier said, “It’s unfortunate, but gas prices are going to go way up again.”

“Oh,” I answered.

“Obama. He’s the reason.”

This, of course, took me by surprise because it’s one of the most stupid comments I have heard about our president lately. (And I’ve heard a few.)

And now I’m going to even go a step further--it’s not the Democratic Party that lets gasoline prices get out of hand, but the Republicans.
How can I say this?

Let’s study the last twelve years. In Clinton’s last year with his surplus budget, gas prices were holding steady. Then Bush became president, Republicans controlled everything and gas prices began to soar and soar until 2006 when Democrats retook both the House and the Senate and prices made a dramatic decline.

Under Obama’ first two years, gas prices at the pump held fairly steady--but now Republicans control the House and guess what? Gas prices are on the increase.

There is a direct correlation: put the party that cares only for the rich and no one else in charge and they make sure gasoline prices rise to help the rich become richer. (Always remember it was the Republicans who forced the rich to get bigger tax cuts than anyone else--and, believe it or not--the working poor to get a tax increase.)

So, I told the gas station cashier she was wrong--Obama has done a lot of good for our nation--the Republicans have been, as of the last few years the dangerous party, and from the look on her face I do believe she had an “aha!” moment.

Changing opinions one person at a time.