Sunday, January 9, 2011

Why Do Gas Prices Increase--Check Out The Republicans in Charge

As I was paying for my gas yesterday in a medium small town in central Missouri, the cashier said, “It’s unfortunate, but gas prices are going to go way up again.”

“Oh,” I answered.

“Obama. He’s the reason.”

This, of course, took me by surprise because it’s one of the most stupid comments I have heard about our president lately. (And I’ve heard a few.)

And now I’m going to even go a step further--it’s not the Democratic Party that lets gasoline prices get out of hand, but the Republicans.
How can I say this?

Let’s study the last twelve years. In Clinton’s last year with his surplus budget, gas prices were holding steady. Then Bush became president, Republicans controlled everything and gas prices began to soar and soar until 2006 when Democrats retook both the House and the Senate and prices made a dramatic decline.

Under Obama’ first two years, gas prices at the pump held fairly steady--but now Republicans control the House and guess what? Gas prices are on the increase.

There is a direct correlation: put the party that cares only for the rich and no one else in charge and they make sure gasoline prices rise to help the rich become richer. (Always remember it was the Republicans who forced the rich to get bigger tax cuts than anyone else--and, believe it or not--the working poor to get a tax increase.)

So, I told the gas station cashier she was wrong--Obama has done a lot of good for our nation--the Republicans have been, as of the last few years the dangerous party, and from the look on her face I do believe she had an “aha!” moment.

Changing opinions one person at a time.

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