Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Christian Right (The Selfish Right)

It's OK to be Republican and continue destroying our nation--40,000 factories gone from 2002 to 2008 and more than 300,000 jobs that went with them. I may be wrong, but wasn't this a time of Republican and Christian right power--Bush and all.

Tax breaks for the rich didn't help the poor or even the middle class.

It's time for the Christian right to become Christians again--not Focus of the Family followers. We are a great nation because we worked together to make our nation great--not because we award the rich again and again.

Under Obama, things are turning around--yes, slowly--but turning around in a positive manner.

Now the Republicans come back into power and already selfishness raises its head.

It's too bad they--and the Christian right--can't show more compassion and understanding. No, they say, we want to stop the healthcare, we have to stop the unemployment benefits, etc. etc. etc.

Think what Jesus would do.

Would he tell the working poor they do not deserve healthcare?

Would he wash only the feet of the rich and powerful?

Would he deny unemployment benefit extensions (especially at this time of year)?

Most importantly of all, would he tell his followers that, yes, they must follow their faith blindly no matter what the consequences?

Honest people know the answers--Republicans and the Christian right, do you?

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