Sunday, November 28, 2010

Obama as Hitler

There I was in the grocery store in a mid size town in Missouri having a conversation with an elderly woman who then--out of nowhere--asked me about Obama. She said with a straight face: "Obama is Hitler."

Huh? I thought. Hitler?

Hitler exterminated mentally ill individuals. Obama has fought hard for their rights.

Hitler wiped out six million Jews. Obama is trying to make Israel safe and he had a Jewish individual on his personal staff.

Hitler killed Gypsies. When France tried to forcefully remove the Gypsy population, Obama protested. (Full disclosure: I do not know how this story ended.)

Hitler exterminated gay people. Obama is fighting as hard as he can for their rights.


No way.

Here we have a president who is trying as hard as he can and yet our nation is so selfish, they continually put their individual problems ahead of everything else.

Healthcare, for example.

She actually believes--because she reads a lot--that Obama'a healthcare plan is not going to allow certain individual to live if their sickness gets worse.

I do not know how this keeps coming up. There are no death clauses in the bill. There is only assistance for those who do not have insurance.

Madam, if an uninsured person gets into an accident--injures himself painting by falling off a ladder, for example--who do you think is going to pay his bill? The hospital by law has to treat him. He can't afford the hospital bill; he has no insurance and, yes, what you said about that is correct--he does have free choice, but I do not believe anyone picked poverty--so his choice has become a place to live, food to eat, electricty and heat for the winter. He can't afford health insurance because he gets paid too little. Now he has a few options--1.) bankruptcy (and you do know the leading cause of bankruptcy is caused by health issues) or 2.) the state will pay it--and that means us--the taxpayers.

Get over it.

Obama may have made mistakes but no one can solve the problems he inherited in tweo years and yet he is solving them.

I support him because he is the hardest working presdident I can recall--and I have lived through years of golf playing, vactationing and napping presidents.

I belong to the United States of America where people are not self centered and not egocentric, a place where selfless acts are rewarded and a place where everyone can be healthy, educated and strong.

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