Tuesday, November 16, 2010

FOCUS ON THE FAMILY--Why Christianiity is a failing religion

On the syndicated radio show, FOCUS ON THE FAMILY, I heard the news reporter say: "After the Democratic Party got spanked during the recent election, it now seeks revenge." Then he said they will OK abortions on military bases (a woman's right between her and her God), repeal the don't tell rule (remember: the best forces in all of our wars were made from individuals we treated very badly. The Buffalo Soldiers, for example, were all African-American) and the tax on rich people (which should be repealed).

Why do we tax rich people differently from everyone else?

I don't know and I don't care, but I do feel very strongly that everyone should carry their own load--and pay the taxes they owe. We don't need tax breaks for rich people.

Right Wing Christianity is failing because it has become paranoid and selfish. Why care about the poor--as Jesus did? That's not important. What is important is to care about the rich and how to become rich so we can care about more rich people--and give them welfare in the name of grants and tax breaks, etc., etc., etc.

Take the health care problem. That's not a problem for rich people. It's a problem for everyone else, yet there we are yelling about how unfair it is.


How can anything that protects our people and makes us healthier--thus stronger--be unfair? Only selfish people would not want everyone to have a right to be healthy.

I have no problem paying higher taxes to help everyone become healthier. A healthier America. Now that's a good idea.

Yes, I said it.

Right now the Christain right as pictured on FOCUS ON THE FAMILY is selfish and does not care to make our nation stronger--they only wish--in my opinion--to make the rich richer.

No. This is not what Jesus wanted. Did ne not say the meek will inherit the earth? Did he not fight for the rights of the poor? Did he not demand justice for the downtrodden?

Enough said.

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