Friday, March 26, 2010

Speaking to the Choir

Unfortunately this blog speaks to the choir. Individuals who do not agree with me about my support for President Obama are not reading this blog--or if they are, they are not leaving comments--comments which I will publish as long as they are not obscene (but I might publish those too due to how stupid they make the commenter look).

I'm going to take a break from this blog for a period of time. A week maybe, perhaps a month or two.

Obama over and over again has shown how much he cares for the American people--and those who depict him as the Anti-Christ or another Hitler--well, I can't respond to them in a rational manner. Hitler ordered the murder and destruction of many nations--Obama is trying to make this world a safer place--and as for the Anti-Christ, I do not understand how trying to rebuild a nation destroyed by previous administrations (including the Reagan one) makes him anything but Christ like.

When we import our right wing Christianity to other nations (Uganda, for example) and then see the results of this right wing activity and how destructive it is (Uganda again in the case of capital punishment for being gay), then I wonder who the real Anti-Christ are--the Republicans blocking help for American workers or the right wing Christians allowing a nation (once more, Uganda) to put to death individuals because of a difference in sexual orientation.

If heaven is full of these racist and evil people who use the name of Christ and the Bible as their weapon, I need to go somewhere else.

An Email to me from the President

Michael --

For the first time in our nation's history, Congress has passed comprehensive health care reform. America waited a hundred years and fought for decades to reach this moment. Tonight, thanks to you, we are finally here.

Consider the staggering scope of what you have just accomplished:

Because of you, every American will finally be guaranteed high quality, affordable health care coverage.

Every American will be covered under the toughest patient protections in history. Arbitrary premium hikes, insurance cancellations, and discrimination against pre-existing conditions will now be gone forever.

And we'll finally start reducing the cost of care -- creating millions of jobs, preventing families and businesses from plunging into bankruptcy, and removing over a trillion dollars of debt from the backs of our children.

But the victory that matters most tonight goes beyond the laws and far past the numbers.

It is the peace of mind enjoyed by every American, no longer one injury or illness away from catastrophe.

It is the workers and entrepreneurs who are now freed to pursue their slice of the American dream without fear of losing coverage or facing a crippling bill.

And it is the immeasurable joy of families in every part of this great nation, living happier, healthier lives together because they can finally receive the vital care they need.

This is what change looks like.

My gratitude tonight is profound. I am thankful for those in past generations whose heroic efforts brought this great goal within reach for our times. I am thankful for the members of Congress whose months of effort and brave votes made it possible to take this final step. But most of all, I am thankful for you.

This day is not the end of this journey. Much hard work remains, and we have a solemn responsibility to do it right. But we can face that work together with the confidence of those who have moved mountains.

Our journey began three years ago, driven by a shared belief that fundamental change is indeed still possible. We have worked hard together every day since to deliver on that belief.

We have shared moments of tremendous hope, and we've faced setbacks and doubt. We have all been forced to ask if our politics had simply become too polarized and too short-sighted to meet the pressing challenges of our time. This struggle became a test of whether the American people could still rally together when the cause was right -- and actually create the change we believe in.

Tonight, thanks to your mighty efforts, the answer is indisputable: Yes we can.

Thank you,

President Barack Obama

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Republicans Do Not Care About Us

Senate Republican holds up jobless benefits--By ANDREW TAYLOR, Associated Press Writer

"WASHINGTON – Once again, a stubborn Senate Republican is blocking speedy passage of a stopgap bill to extend jobless benefits..."

So once again the Republicans tell our country's unemployed what Tom Delay has already said: Too bad. We don't care about you.

Why I support Obama? He took on a terribly hard job and every single day shows how much he really cares.

Republicans: It's not always about money. Some of the time you have to realize it's also about people.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

To Isaac Newton Skelton, A Missouri Rep, Who Voted No on the Healthcare Bill.

Isaac Newton Skelton,

The below comments are from the Jefferson City News Tribune, a newspaper in a very conservative state--Missouri. I don't know about you, Mr. Skelton, but it appears the people have spoken, Representatives have voted their conscience instead of voting in fear of losing their job, and I'm going to celebrate tonight because President Obama has the guts--along with 219 other Reps--to do the right thing. This is something the Republican Party cannot begin to understand. As for Rush Limbaugh, you don't have to go to Costa Rico for their socialized healthcare because the Democrats and the President has just made our nation stronger and healthier by taking this historic step forward.

m.lapin wrote on Mar 21, 2010 10:57 PM:
" A vote for no is a vote against being an American. Did you know we are behind Costa Rico in healthcare right now--the place Rush Limbaugh said he would go if the bill passes. I want to go there too. 88% of its population receives free healthcare and if we go there, we pay way less than what we pay in Jeff City. Limbaugh actually supports a socialist state.

But I'll tell you what--when you start paying for your own healthcare like the rest of us and begin to get the same inadequate treatment we get, then maybe you can vote however you want.

I'm definitely voting against you--and this maybe the first year I'm a single issue voter. "

waitingontheend wrote on Mar 21, 2010 5:24 PM:
" hmarie I agree with you, I work for a small business and when insurance is 25% of your budget there has to be some relief. "

climax wrote on Mar 21, 2010 10:32 AM:
" Ike is running again, and is selling out his own party. I would suspect, and rightfully so that Ike will lose his chairmanship with a no vote. "

boscoe wrote on Mar 21, 2010 9:59 AM:
" Skelton doesn't care what the majority of his constituents think. He isn't running again, so he just sold his soul to the party regime. "

climax wrote on Mar 21, 2010 9:23 AM:
" I have voted for Ike since 1976, and I consider him a personal friend. I guess you can call me his base. I called his Washington office, and left this personal message Friday "If Ike votes against the Health Care bill I will no longer be able to support him" "

mccrabb wrote on Mar 20, 2010 11:36 PM:
" I always thought of my employees as number one priority ,but I need to rethink after I read some of the input here in the news tribune,I need to read the political material on the automobile bumpers at my office and weed the out the negativity.I can no longer can have a blind eye and I can find a willing worker on the other side of the fence ,its always greener. "

cherchante wrote on Mar 20, 2010 9:51 PM:
" limerick54 when you wrote on Mar 20, 2010 9:21 PM:
" Yet another jerkwad Republican that puts money ahead of people. How typical. How sad. "
To whom were you referring as "another jerkwad Republican?" "

limerick54 wrote on Mar 20, 2010 9:21 PM:
" Yet another jerkwad Republican that puts money ahead of people. How typical. How sad. "

hmarie775 wrote on Mar 20, 2010 5:59 PM:
" Of course they are going to protect against higher taxes for the rich! That's the only people taxed in this bill. The rich are the ones who finance their campaigns!

Here are a couple good there seems to be SO much misinformation out there. If people really understood what was being voted on instead of what they hear from talk radio they might not be so adamantly's NOT that bad!

and "

cherchante wrote on Mar 20, 2010 1:07 PM:
" Let Isaac Newton Skelton and his ilk view and attempt an understanding of this clip:

That is IF they have the capacity to understand We the People HAVE NO KING! "

pale rider wrote on Mar 20, 2010 12:14 PM:
" asfor mr. skelton if he votes against changing the way AMA and the pharmacutical companys and the health insurance votes in the senate and house i and any i can influence will vote against him or anyone else who goes for contenuing doing nothing in washington other than following a conservative veiw of doing nothing "

cherchante wrote on Mar 20, 2010 9:52 AM:
" Issac Newton Skelton. What a charlatan! Showing his derriere to his constituents whom he thinks will buy his merde! Isaac knows full well that the end of his reign of tyranny over the 4th is over if he doesn't appear to go with his constituents this time. And his party is fully aware of that as well. So, Isaac has decreed the safe answer to his support for obamacare by his tactic of voting FOR "deem and pass" while he knows that tactic will ensure passage of obamacare and he will have never voted directly for it. Disgustingly lying by omission of what his true intentions are!
It is beyond time for Isaac to be ousted! "

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Accomplishments? Yes or No?

Why we continue to support President Obama: click here for 100 reasons.

For ten more reasons--and this list includes domestic issues--click here.

Full disclosure: I disagree with the President on his education policies--though they appear to be better than the previous administrations--due to my contact with charter schools and the strange rules and funding programs of what is still called No Child Left Behind (which really means a teacher who graduated from college can be left behind). I worked too long in the public school sector and watched as we dumbed down our children and took away the thrill of learning--something that is natural in every child--because we were forced as teachers and school administratoprs to make choices counter to what we cognitively and emotionally knew were not correct--these changes forced on us by noneducators (many of whom never even stepped in a real classroom). Just so you know, I was an inner city classroom teacher for over thirty some years. I never taught to the test and my students scored well on standardized tests--given that I taught them all subjects--including music--and more than once had intermediate and upper grade students working out of a trigonometry book.

I'm also a staunch supporter of peace and I strongly believe we no longer have a reason to be in Afganistan.

As for the health issue, I am strongly for this only because I see the devastation poor (or no) health insurance causes--and we are not the healthiest nation any longer because of our actions to constantly fight against universal healthcare.

Pick any topic (from my full disclosure list or from the two lists above) and let's let the debates begin.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Birthers and Other Idiots--Please Read This:

"So-called "birthers" claim Obama is ineligible to be president because, they argue, he was actually born outside the United States, and therefore doesn't meet a constitutional requirement for being president.

"Hawaii Health Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino issued statements last year and in October 2008 saying that she's seen vital records that prove Obama is a natural-born American citizen."

This is from MARK NIESSE, Associated Press Writer – Wed Mar 17.

If the problem with Obama is his race, than just admit it--you're a racist and can't allow anyone but a European-American to be president.

Get over it. Did you not support the Republicans as they dragged us into war and deficits and now a major recession/depression? Did you not support a war based on lies?

I don't know what more to say--if he was not a US born citizen, I'm sure somebody would have found this out a long time before he had a chance to run for president.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Obama and Jobs

According to David Gergon of Parade Magazine, since December 1999 (this is the final months of the lame duck Clinton Administration after George Bush won the election and would become president in 2000) that no jobs have been created at all since then in our nation.

He writes: "Since December 1999, there has been zero job creation--nada, zippo."

Can this be because Bush and his administration felt it was better to send jobs out of the country to make a few people richer? Who knows, but given a chance, Obama's stimulus plan is beginning to create jobs--green jobs, infrastructure jobs, etc.

No new jobs during the Bush administration?

President Obama is trying to turn this negative statistic around.

Obama and No Child Left Behind

Obama has made a promise to give all of our children a better education. First, he's going to change the name. Thank God, no more No Child Left Behind. Then he's going to reward schools for improving--not punish them because they are not doing well on only reading and math.

Why is the world educating their children better than us? They teach to the whole child--all subjects from music to physical education to math to science to geography. Geography? That's something only Americans don;t seem to know anything about. This is one of the changes Obama wants to make.

I don't know all the details, but I know it has to be better than what we had: punish the teachers, punish the schools, punish the children, and that's how Bush and the Republicans think we can improve everyone's education.

I'll stay on top of this issue as more details become available.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Rush Limbaugh is for Socialized Healthcare--One More Reason to Pass the President's Healthcare Plan

Rush Limbaugh, according to the Christian Science Monitor said he would rather go to Costa Rica for medical treatment if Congress votes to change the US healthcare system.

Why Costa Rica?

Costa Rica is the destination for medical tourists. The Central American nation has a higher life expectancy than we do in the USA, the World Health Organization rated it ahead of the USA, and it spends 87 percent less on health care per capita then the USA does.

Apparently Costa Rican's health care is better than our, and--get this--it offers free coverage to 86.8 percent of its population.

Hey, if Rush Limbaugh realizes how great the Costa Rican system is, socialized and all (and free to 86.8% of its population), all of us should join his bandwagon, too, and become advocates for the same kind of healthcare system here.

Monday, March 8, 2010

How the World Feels About Our President Obama

Nobel Peace laureate Shirin Ebadi said that President Obama deserved the Noble Peace Prize because of his admission that there was torture taking place in Guantanamo Bay (and he is trying to close it), he admitted the Iranian War was wrong (and has taken measures to correct the problem), and--most importantly--she felt his efforts to create a universal health care plan for all Americans is the greatest and best thing he has continued to do.

"I pray that American's get universal healthcare," she said.

How is it prominent individuals and citzens from around the world know we have a great President, but here in America we have Republicans, Tea Party Members, and others have absolutely no cue.

Come to think of it--doesn't this remind you of the first term of Chicago's first African-American Mayor Harold Washington--and how the city council fought him at every step even though he made the city that much greater because he was the mayor of it?

Think about it.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Charter Schools, Public Education and Arnie Duncan

I taught for many years in the hardest neighborhoods of Chicago (name a housing project and I probably taught there at one time or another) and I even had dinners once a month with Arnie Duncan, the current Secretary of Education.

When Obama won the presidency, I hoped for a change in the No Child Left Behind program--and even though I am a strong supporter of Obama, I hoped he would change the rules about charter schools.

They do not work.

Research continues to show charter schools cost a lot of money--money removed from the public school budgets--and they regularly underperform public schools.

Under the Bush Administration, thou8sands--if not millions--were wasted on this program. My school had an after school program that worked with only twelve--yes, I said twelve--students, but it's budget was well over two hundred thousand dollars.

What a waste of money.

Just to let you know, my math scores on standardized tests in Illinois for my fourth grade class--and, yes, I'm bragging here--was at 71% (outperforming the local area, the city and much of the state). I never taught to the test. I taught test taking skills once every two weeks for thirty minutes, but what I really did was teach math with a great number of textbooks and other sources. My fourth graders even used a high school trigonometry book to study fractions, division and ratios.

I have been watching the Obama Administration and I have noticed a lot of positive changes. Nonetheless, charter schools are not the way.

Finally, I quote Diane Ravitch:

"If Arne Duncan knows exactly how to reform American education, why didn’t he reform Chicago’s schools? A report came out a couple of weeks ago from the Civic Committee of Chicago (”Still Left Behind”) saying that Chicago’s much-touted score gains in the past several years were phony, that they were generated after the state lowered the passing mark on the state tests, that the purported gains did not show up on the federal tests, and that Chicago’s high schools are still failing. On the respected federal test (NAEP), Chicago continues to be one of the lowest performing cities in the nation."

(I can add to that the year the Iowa Test scores were changed so more eighth graders could graduate.)

OK--I am a strong supporter of President Obama, but I'm not so blind that I can't see a policy that is prone to failure.

When my school became a receiving school, we fell apart and became a sending school. Then we received again and failed again. Only when we stopped this activity--and this was sanctioned under the Bush Administration--did my school begin to stabilize and start to show gains.

With No Child Left Behind, if changes are not made, I will have to agree to disagree with the president.

No president is perfect and I am not a one issue voter so I will continue my fervent support of President Obama, and if he were to ask for help, I would offer it immediately.

Just to let you know.

Are the Obama Policies Working?

Friday the stock market went over 10,500--one week before the the one-year anniversary of the movement that took the market from a decade low because of major concerns about the economy.

Obama was president when the decade--really twelve year--low was reached--and he's president now as the stock market continues to rise.

Further good news: Unemployment is no longer at or above 10%, consumers are beginning to spend again, auto loans are up, 48,000 new temporary jobs opened up (and that's for only one month), and the average hourly salary rate increased by three cents.

Tea Party Members and Republicans--Obama's plan is working--so get off your bandwagons and help with the creation of an economy that--as Reagan used to say--will and can stay the course. Remember Reagan--your hero--refused to back down or change any of his economic programs and he got out of a recession--not a depression/recession the Bush Administration pushed us into.

It's interesting that I can even mention Reagan and Obama in the same blog--but their drive, conviction and willingness not to back down even in the light of protest and serious animosity is what won--and will win--the day.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Joe Lieberman and Obama

This is why I continue to support President Obama:

Joe Lieberman supported the Republicans in the last election and even though this should cause problems, President Obama has steadily worked with the senator.

Here are a few examples:

to sponsor the bill to repeal the anti-Gay don't tell and don't ask rule

to help round up votes for the stimulus bill

to help round up votes for energy legislation

to assist the Administration with most of its controversial nominees

and to allow Lieberman to speak--including his credit to the President for creating a more realistic foreign policy

Why is the above a good thing? It shows leadership that can bury a hatchet and move forward for the betterment of our nation--not a hostile individual who holds a grudge. And that's what our nation needs right now--a president of vision who can work with those who support him and those who do not, those who oppose him and those who do not, and those who want to help the nation become a stronger place--the very vision of a great man who can agree to disagree and still work together to build a greater America.