Monday, March 8, 2010

How the World Feels About Our President Obama

Nobel Peace laureate Shirin Ebadi said that President Obama deserved the Noble Peace Prize because of his admission that there was torture taking place in Guantanamo Bay (and he is trying to close it), he admitted the Iranian War was wrong (and has taken measures to correct the problem), and--most importantly--she felt his efforts to create a universal health care plan for all Americans is the greatest and best thing he has continued to do.

"I pray that American's get universal healthcare," she said.

How is it prominent individuals and citzens from around the world know we have a great President, but here in America we have Republicans, Tea Party Members, and others have absolutely no cue.

Come to think of it--doesn't this remind you of the first term of Chicago's first African-American Mayor Harold Washington--and how the city council fought him at every step even though he made the city that much greater because he was the mayor of it?

Think about it.

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