Monday, January 18, 2010

Obama's First Year--Keeping Campaign Promises

Obama made five hundred campaign promises and 91 have come to pass successfully.

"LIASSON: Well, Barack Obama is a president who came into office facing a huge set of unprecedented problems - a collapsing financial system, the worst recession since the Great Depression, two wars. And on top of all the things he had to do, the crises and the emergencies, he also had an incredibly ambitious agenda of his own: health care, energy, financial re-regulation. And now that we're at the end of this year, he passed a lot of it."

"RAZ: Mara, recently, Congressional Quarterly, the nonpartisan publication, did a study looking at President Obama's first year. It concluded that he was more successful in getting more legislation passed in his first year than any other president since World War II. It seems pretty significant. "

The above quotes come from an NPR interview. Click here to read it.

And here is another article:

Tracking Obama's Campaign Promises: 91 Kept So Far by Jae C. Hong/AP--

"Since taking the oath of office on Jan. 20, 2009, President Obama has kept dozens of his campaign promises, but has delayed action on many others.

"While on the campaign trail, Barack Obama made hundreds of promises. And throughout the president's first year in office, the Pulitzer Prize-winning Web site PolitiFact has tracked each one of those commitments.

"Just before Obama took office, PolitiFact combed through campaign documents, speeches and debate transcripts to see what promises he had made. They found more than 500 individual promises and put each of them into a database to be monitored closely.

"They found 91 promises have been fulfilled, 33 compromised on, 87 stalled and 14 broken. The remaining promises are designated as being "in the works."

Obama--the hardest working president since--I don't know--ever.

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