Thursday, June 17, 2010

BP, Republican Idiots, and 20 Billion dollars

This is why I support President Obama:

From David Plouffe:

"When BP CEO Tony Hayward testified before Congress this morning, many expected to hear him apologize for the disaster his company has caused. Instead, GOP Congressman Joe Barton was the one saying he was sorry -- to BP.

"In his opening statement, Barton, the top Republican on the committee overseeing the oil spill and its aftermath, delivered a personal apology to the oil giant. He said the $20 billion fund that President Obama directed BP to establish to provide relief to the victims of the oil disaster was a "tragedy in the first proportion."

"Other Republicans are echoing his call. Sen. John Cornyn said he "shares" Barton's concern. Rep. Michele Bachmann said that BP shouldn't agree to be "fleeced." Rush Limbaugh called it a "bailout." The Republican Study Committee, with its 114 members in the House, called it a "shakedown.""

Because of President Obama, BP has pledged 20 billion dollars--which is still to little for the biggest ecological disaster in the world's history.

Once again the Republicans show where they stand--with the rich and richer.

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