Saturday, September 1, 2012

De We Want Racists Running Our Country?

This happened at the Republican Convention. If this is not a wake up call to all minorities and everyone who wants to put racism to an end, I do not know what is. How can anyone choose to vote for a party full of racists? Here is an excerpt:

Peanuts thrown at black camerawoman at GOP meeting

By DAVID BAUDER--Associated Press

NEW YORK (AP) — A black camerawoman who works for CNN said Thursday that she was not surprised to have two people at the Republican National Convention throw peanuts at her and say "this is what we feed animals."

"I can't change these people's hearts and minds," the camerawoman, Patricia Carroll, said. "No, it doesn't feel good. But I know who I am. I'm a proud black woman. A lot of black people are upset. This should be a wake-up call to black people. ... People were living in euphoria for a while. People think we've gone further than we have."

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