Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sarah Palen, The Tea Party and More Stupidities

Sarah Palen, please run for president against President Obama. I know the country cannot stand voting for intelligent people--Bush is one example, an actor (remember Reagan wanted to classify ketchup as a vegetable in the national lunch program for poverty level school children) was another--so you probably have a chance. I remember studying history--Stephenson against Eisenhower. The brains did not win.

The fact that you stood in front of your people--the people who support you--and had to have crib notes for what your prioriti9es are--how dumb can someone be. And let's not forget how you crossed out the word "budget" as if the national deficit and the budget are not a major problem--begun, of course, by President Bush who came into office with a surplus.

It's bad enough you don't even know your priorities--a cheat sheet written on your hand--and you don't know your geography and you couldn't even finish your term as governore of Alaska--but that's OK. Even your facts are wrong, but these people love you.

I heard them say Obama uses a teleprompter for his speeches and your cheat sheet was making fun of him. All presidents use teleprompters. Even Bush who had to have certain words phonetically spelled out for him. Do you think Reagan didn't use a teleprompter? Get real.

As for your statement on who would you rather have as Commander and Chief--a Harvard lawyer or yourself--that's not a problem at all. Of course, I would want you who doesn't know where anything is so you can bomb parts of Canada thinking its a part of Pakistan and start a new war in Cambodia thinking it's a part of Iraq. (For Tea Party followers, I'm joking.) Of course, I'd rather have President Obama. He knows how to read a map. That's something intelligent people learn how to do.

So, yes, please run for president. I'll be supporting Obama.

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